What is Sandy?
An award-winning, new generation smart natural capital ‘navigator’,
providing a trusted, scientific solution to achieve your environmental and financial goals.
Sandy is the industry’s first Smart Natural Capital Navigator.
Using the latest science and cutting-edge AI, Sandy enables farm businesses to easily create a complete asset register of their natural capital assets - providing an unrivalled understanding of your current position.
From there, Sandy assists you in business planning and unlocking the benefits of natural capital through trading, provenance, and compliance.
Sandy, for the first time, provides a holistic measurement of your farm’s natural capital, financial, productive, and environmental positions.
Explore on-farm options for greater efficiency, profitability & sustainability
The most credible toolkit for measuring and optimising your farm’s carbon balance, biodiversity, water quality, productive and financial performance - and all in one place. Then use Sandy’s artificial intelligence to predict the impact of various management decisions on these assets - enabling farm businesses to make decisions that boosts profitability & sustainability.
For every enterprise, every hectarage, every farm, everywhere
Sandy, your Smart Natural Capital Navigator, uniquely serves all farming systems, enterprises and sizes, including organic and conventional, owned and tenanted, arable and livestock, dairy and poultry, viticulture, controlled environment, AD plants, ornamental horticulture, and agroforestry.
Carbon stored in upland & lowland peat can only be measured with Sandy
Peatland is disproportionately important for both carbon emissions and food production; however, 1st generation carbon calculators have lacked a credible way of measuring it.
Sandy has been designed by the world’s leading experts using the latest evidence and trusted methods to accurately account for lowland & upland peatland carbon for the first time.
Sandy is the only credible solution for extensive grasslands & uplands. Measure soil carbon & natural capital today
Pasture-based farming systems can accurately measure carbon and natural capital for the first time, enabling farmers to completely and confidently evidence their positive work, access new income, and boost resilience.
Sandy has pioneered a unique, peer-reviewed, evidence-based model-data fusion approach. This combines on-farm data, the best science, and the latest 2019 IPCC Soil Carbon Guidelines to provide unrivalled credibility and value.
Use Sandy to gain a true representation & optimisation of your farming business
Sandy enables the automatic generation of customised carbon, biodiversity & water protection action plans. Set your budget and targets and Sandy will recommend a range of costed strategies for improving profitability and sustainability. Sandy considers many management variations, including tillage, inputs, grazing, and agroforestry.
Learn more about Sandy: farming’s new generation natural capital navigator
Farm profitability and business resilience goes beyond traditional crop and livestock productivity metrics.
Sandy is the most credible new generation agtech software to measure, manage and optimise your carbon, biodiversity, water quality - and beyond!
Explore the full potential of your natural capital.