Farm Water Protection

Optimise Water Quality with Sandy

Sandy has a gold-standard water protection module designed to help farmers manage water quality, optimise nitrogen usage, and enhance sustainability. With advanced technology and scientific credibility, Sandy supports your farm's water protection objectives while ensuring compliance with regulations.

Key Features of Sandy’s Water Protection Module

Easy to Use

  • Minimal data entry required: Sandy seamlessly gathers the necessary information from your farm management systems.

  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface for effortless operation.

farming with logo

Scientifically Credible

  • Built on a peer-reviewed nitrate leaching and nitrogen uptake modelling framework.

  • Successfully adopted by farmers across Europe, ensuring practical applicability.

Applicable to all major farming systems and enterprises

  • Suitable for all major crops, soils, and fertilisers across conventional and organic farming systems.

  • Integrates soil, crop, fertiliser, water, and weather data for a holistic approach to management.

Decision-Making Support for Farmers

River between crop fields. Meet NVZ requirements with Sandy.
  • Analyse nitrate leaching, crop nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE), and soil organic matter trends.

  • Evaluate the financial and environmental impacts of your farming practices.

  • Ensure full compliance with Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) requirements.

  • Conduct scenario analyses to assess the impact of new farming methods.

  • Develop strategies for long-term soil health and water protection through sustainable crop rotations and fertiliser applications.

Provide tailored solutions to protect water and get a better return on investment of nitrogen inputs

Tractor by river and soil report; assess impact of new farm practices on water quality with Sandy

Manage & evidence water protection strategies

Measure the cost of agricultural inputs being lost to waterways. Plan management actions to reduce this loss, leading to financial, yield, and environmental gains. Manage and easily evidence your water protection strategies, reducing the risks associated with violations and improving the quality of your waterways.

Benefits of Using Sandy for Water Protection

  • Safeguards watercourses and enhances water quality.

  • Maximises your return on nitrogen investments.

  • Promotes sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices.

Why Choose Sandy for Your Farm?

  • Backed by rigorous scientific research and validated by farmers across Europe.

  • Designed for practical use across diverse farming enterprises.

  • Helps you achieve your environmental and financial goals simultaneously.

Manage your farm’s water protection with Sandy

Ready to protect watercourses and optimise nitrogen use? Get started with Sandy today!