Farms of all sizes & enterprises trust Sandy to navigate their natural capital, manage their sustainability journey, and build business resilience through new opportunities, including:
Explore on-farm options for greater efficiency, profitability & sustainability
The most credible toolkit for measuring and optimising your farm’s carbon balance, biodiversity, water quality, productive and financial performance - and all in one place. Then use Sandy’s artificial intelligence to predict the impact of various management decisions on these assets - enabling farm businesses to make decisions that boosts profitability & sustainability.
Navigate Natural Capital: Improve Business Resilience
Unsurpassed analytical integrity for measuring carbon, biodiversity, and water protection. An ISO accredited, independently verified super standard for the industry. Monitor sustainability, profitability & productivity — and all in one place.
Whole farm predictive intelligence enabling you to test and optimise management scenarios, reliably supporting your transition towards greater profitability and sustainability. Navigate management decisions with Sandy.
Evaluate a range of monetisation options through provenance reporting, input optimisation, and natural capital markets. For those wishing to explore trading, seamlessly link to Trinity Natural Capital Markets, a separate group company.
For every enterprise, every hectarage, every farm, everywhere
Sandy, your Smart Natural Capital Navigator, uniquely serves all farming systems, enterprises and sizes, including organic and conventional, owned and tenanted, arable and livestock, dairy and poultry, viticulture, controlled environment, AD plants, ornamental horticulture, and agroforestry.
Carbon stored in upland & lowland peat can only be measured with Sandy
Peatland is disproportionately important for both carbon emissions and food production; however, 1st generation carbon calculators have lacked a credible way of measuring it.
Sandy has been designed by the world’s leading experts using the latest evidence and trusted methods to accurately account for lowland & upland peatland carbon for the first time.
Sandy is the only credible solution for extensive grasslands & uplands. Measure soil carbon & natural capital today
Pasture-based farming systems can accurately measure carbon and natural capital for the first time, enabling farmers to completely and confidently evidence their positive work, access new income, and boost resilience.
Sandy has pioneered a unique, peer-reviewed, evidence-based model-data fusion approach. This combines on-farm data, the best science, and the latest 2019 IPCC Soil Carbon Guidelines to provide unrivalled credibility and value.
Sandy, your Smart Natural Capital Navigator, includes agriculture’s most credible carbon calculator
New generation science
Uses the latest scientific evidence and a model-data fusion approach. It has been certified against ISO 14064. Provides both GWP metrics. Our team includes creators of Cool Farm Tool and Agrecalc.
Completely independent
Financially independent from large agribusinesses and pressure groups, enabling us to prioritise the farmer.
Easy to use. Reduced data entry
An award-winning user experience and intergrations with farm management systems including Gatekeeper, Muddy Boots and accounting software reduces unnecessary data entry.
A separate group company offering high-reward, low-risk options for those wanting to safely explore carbon & natural capital trading
Lowest costs & highest rewards on the market. Just 5% commission. Opportunities for all Enterprise types.
Legally robust & highly transparent. Trade with reputable investors searching for high-quality carbon credits.
Non-prescriptive. Farmers have control over contractual arrangements, potential buyers, and transaction prices.
Safe & future-proof. Robust protection to farmers & buyers, and the most credible carbon calculations - reducing risk.

Want to demo Sandy?
Find out how Sandy can work for your unique business. Complete this form and one of our team will be in touch.
Use Sandy to gain a true representation & optimisation of your farming business
Sandy enables the automatic generation of customised carbon, biodiversity & water protection action plans. Set your budget and targets and Sandy will recommend a range of costed strategies for improving profitability and sustainability. Sandy considers many management variations, including tillage, inputs, grazing, and agroforestry.
Avoid carbon tunnel vision.
Benefit from your natural capital’s full potential
Easy biodiversity accounting
Generate authoritative biodiversity scores for fields and farms based on habitat and farm management practises. Automatically generate biodiversity improvement plans and easily evidence your biodiversity credentials for provenance.
Trade biodiversity & water co-benefits
Substantially increase the value of carbon credits by adding biodiversity & water co-benefits. Generate and trade biodiversity net gain tokens.
Plan agroforestry initiatives
Explore the financial, productive, and environmental impact of various agroforestry strategies on your land, including silvopasture, hedgerows, and regenerative felling.
Achieve your farm’s full potential through accessible & rigorous analytics.
Forecast the productive, financial, and environmental outcomes of hundreds of potential management practices and scenarios, including reducing tillage, changing grazing, and implementing agroforestry initiatives. Reduce the risk associated with changing management practices with Sandy’s cutting-edge predictive artificial intelligence.
Optimise nitrogen use efficiency
Sandy calculates the financial losses of not optimising nitrogen use efficiency and provides support for reducing this loss. This protects farm profits, the surrounding environment, and increases potential value from carbon trading.
Manage & evidence water protection strategies
Measure the cost of agricultural inputs being lost to waterways. Plan management actions to reduce this loss, leading to financial, yield, and environmental gains. Manage and easily evidence your water protection strategies, reducing the risks associated with violations and improving the quality of your waterways.
Easily and confidently prove produce provenance
Generate provenance certificates in seconds, evidencing your farm’s carbon, biodiversity, water quality, and animal welfare credentials. Sandy has been built with the future in mind, enabling easy integrations with retailers, processors, and assures.
Reduce data entry through integrations with leading farm management systems and third-party software & data
What our customers say
“Sandy is a flexible system that provides a reliable, intuitive tool to calculate our carbon footprint, and understand the gains we can make by changing farm practices. We explored alternatives but they were too focused on arable crops, rather than the types of vegetables we grow. They couldn’t capture the benefits of some of the unique changes we’ve made.”
— Hazel Smith, Head of Supplier Technical Management, Barfoots
“Rather than using generic and outdated emissions data, Trinity Agtech measure CO2 emissions more accurately - down to individual farm businesses and fields. Essential to this process, and often overlooked in the past, is being able to quantify the positive contribution that grassland carbon sequestration and increased levels of farm biodiversity make towards net carbon output.”
— Tom Perchard, Jersey Dairy farmer
“To have baseline data that you know has sufficient rigour gives you the confidence to explore options you otherwise couldn’t. Once you do, the continued revelation of amending management practice makes you realise just what’s possible.”
— Craig Livingstone, Estate Manager, Lockerley Estate.

Meet Sandy today
Complete the form by following the link below and one of our team will be in touch.
Find out how to harness your natural capital to improve business resilience, today.